Saturday, March 6, 2010

Ramblings and Musings

I really enjoy going to my local "Purrrrfect Auto Service" to get my oil changed just because they have cushy leather chairs, coffee, and every issue of National Geographic dating back to 1967! I broke out the issue of November 1970 which is the time I was born, and got a real laugh out of the different headline stories presented there. One was "Behold the Computer." So I read through what was hot in computers in 1970 along with the groovy pictures that go with it. International Business Machines or IBM was of course #1, with their CEO standing in front of the computer that takes up a large room. Another of a programmer with a memory board that took up half his desk, and oh he looked so proud. Much of the NG issue was taken up with all the different areas of commerce and business was being changed by this new-fangled technology. Not much of that truth is different today and I really think that anything is possible into the future. I mused on how far I've come and all I seen with my short little 39 years on the big blueberry we call our home planet Earth. With the rapid pace of how life is now for us, its fun to find those little spots of retrospection and think of everyone we know and how they are faring in their journey through life. I love how many old friends I have reconnected with through Facebook, faces from the past and well as the present. I don't where your find moments to muse, but they can be so helpful to put life into perspective. I guess we could use all this new-fangled technology to help us stay connected better, and peek our head into each other's lives more just to see how everyone's doing. When I do that, I must admit I get many smiles and also tears, depending on where people have found themselves in life. God has given me a genuine concern for people, but it is a muscle that can easily go into atrophy if I get distracted by me, myself and I. People will always be the most fascinating preoccupation even though we wear thin so quickly with the surrounding crowd around us. I see how Jesus needed time with the Father to replenish His spirit in the midst of such need. He lived in the Father's Presence and Company and moved among the people. Such a great example....

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