Saturday, March 10, 2012

It's Getting Away from Us

Recently I have become very aware of how many different 'pursuits' to self-discovery people in this generation give themselves wholly too.  There are too many to list here, and I know we could come up with a few more.  Whilst I think having interests and hobbies and pursuits is a God thing, what that 'pursuit' does to shape your destiny can often be a path to disappointment.  There is probably some real value in realistic expectations towards most of what we place high priority on, and view it as 'striving after the wind'.  Should we look at this life and say that there is nothing worth putting effort into, or setting some goals and expectations?  Certainly not, that would be depressing.  However, for a follower of Christ, a heart set on eternity, where 'pursuits' have eternal significance, maybe it is good to do an inventory of what we have wrapped our hearts around.  Maybe look at what we spend our money on, invest in and try to maintain?  How much do Americans spend on looking forever young?  How much time should we spend on things that are destined for decay, and have no eternal value?   Unbelievers I observe have an insatiable desire to maintain self-satisfaction or 'Live the Dream!'  The destructive path they leave is unmistakeable and heart-breaking to see how many people had to suffer neglect or abuse to keep those dream wheels turning.  I have to say with some sadness that I see some believers caught up in the same rat race.  I find myself tempted daily to kick off restraint and start looking out for me and getting mine!  I hope I never stop getting disgusted with that thought, like the blended McDonald's Happy Meal Riley's friends made him drink last night!  The key to freedom in life is a detachment from selfishness that only God can accomplish.  When we reach the end of ourselves and embrace Jesus with a whole-hearted pursuit, it's like breathing fresh air for the first time.  It still hurts to see friends, co-workers caught in the vice of a self-driven pursuit, especially when you have already been down that road.  You can only pray they come to their senses, and exchange temporary futility for a eternal satisfaction in Christ.