Monday, February 21, 2011

Don't Leave

John 6:66-67 says, "From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him. 'You do not want to leave too, do you?' Jesus asked the Twelve." In this turning point moment Jesus is appealing to the twelve who have stuck with Him thus far, to search their doubting hearts and find what they truly believe about him. Each of us Christians who come to the same moments of decision have to ask ourselves: Do I leave and find a better alternative or do I stay the course and trust solely in Jesus. The gospel demands total commitment and resolve, regardless if our understanding of its path is totally clear. Jesus promises those who are 'faithful till the end,' a crown of life for the testing they must surely endure. People who choose to leave may be the 'cowards' Jesus refers to in Revelation, where the fear of risk and loss just became too much to overcome for some. I am personally learning the grittiness of the gospel as well as its matchless perfection and beauty, and I have seen close friends decide not to 'stay.' The gospel is foolishness to so many, certainly not the 'sexy' trend of the day, the shiny attractive philosophy that so many in this world covet. But for those of us who stay, it is the power of God for our salvation, and the end of the struggle seems nearer than ever. Its not always that easy to stay encouraged and keep your eye on the prize, especially when so many around are finding more simple and highly pragmatic solutions. Jesus values gritty faith, as He certainly modeled its worth throughout His life and ministry. He calls us to the same tenacity and fire in the face of such opposition and alternatives. I am forever grateful that God called me and wrapped my life's purpose around His gospel, yet I am sobered by the narrow and sometimes lonely path it calls me to. So lets fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, and never seriously consider leaving. Once in our eternal home, the cost of discipleship will pale in comparison to the surpassing glory and reward that is ours as we stay faithful till the end.

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