What are we to think of Christians who keep on sinning? What are we to think of our own perpetuating struggles and sinful habits? After reading Romans 6, I think importance of sound teaching rises to the forefront in the quest for understanding. Verse 17-18 says, "But thanks be to God , that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, and having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness." Without any pride for what we have attained to, it is really helpful to instead be thankful for the 'standard of teaching' we have received from those who faithfully taught the whole counsel of God to us. You and I can easily see why those who accurately teach the word of God are worthy of 'double honor.' It is just as easy to see why those who do not accurately teach the Word of God incur a 'stricter judgment.' The battlefield of the mind, where righteous thinking wars with wicked thoughts, has a critical result which depends on the individuals exposure to helpful teaching or rotten misdirection. Human opinion, though not always unhelpful, mingles with Divine inspiration to water down the most essential need we have: A renewing of our minds. If we study Romans 6 closely, we see that a massive shift happened in our spirits when we are 'baptized into Christ and thus baptized into His death." We were once dead to God spiritually, and sin reigned over us. But when we believed in Christ, that shift in the spirit transformed our dead/slave state to one of pure life towards God. Our flesh is the only remnant that remains of our former self, and it to is slowly waiting for redemption. The mind must be taught anew, to come into line with this radical shift in the spiritual realm. Faith must grow with every solid stepping stone of good teaching laid by experts in the Word of God. The more we hear and apply the truth, the more convinced we are who God says we are. In essence, we hear it, apply it, and become it as we should. Many people say, "Well I still have evil desires that pull me into sin." I say your right since your flesh isn't dead yet, and welcome to the war between the spirit and flesh that scripture clearly outlines. But Romans 6 is clearly highlighting that the battlefield is the mind. Verse 11 says, "So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus." Where does 'considering' take place? Right thinking is the key to right behavior, and it is clearly a discipline that God requires every believer to submit to. Right thinking comes from a right understanding of the truth, namely the Word of God. Make no mistake, sin wants a second chance to reign over you, to 'have you' as it were. It gets no such chance in those who are committed to sound teaching, from wise leaders who under the inspiration of the Spirit accurately divide the Word of truth. Now go give those who have made rich deposits of God's Word in you a big hug and thanks!
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